Greeting cards

Greeting cards

Individually hand-made cards using high resolution, matt finish photographic prints are available for all the images on the website. Each card is supplied with a matching white envelope and enclosed in a cellophane wrapper. Cards are left blank for you to write your own message.
  • Landscape & Portrait greeting cards have photographs mounted in a white linen-finish 8" x 6" (20.3cm x 15.2cm) card.
  • Square greeting cards have photographs mounted in a white linen-finish 5.75" x 5.75" (14.4cm x 14.4cm) card.
  • Panoramic greeting cards have photographs mounted on a white linen-finish 8.25" x 4" (21.1cm x 10cm) card.
Greetings cards are subject to a minimum order of 5 cards - postage and packing is FREE.

Photographic prints

High resolution, matt or gloss finish photographic prints of various sizes are available to order. If you would prefer your print mounted and/or framed, these services are also available to order. Please contact me with your requirements for a quote.

Postage & Packing

  • Free for all greeting card orders of 5 or more cards to UK mainland addresses.
  • For photographics prints and delivery to other locations please contact me for a quote.